The Aboriginal Investment Group
The Remote Laundries project is part of the core business of the Aboriginal Investment Group (AIG).
AIG is an Aboriginal Corporation set up in 1988 to build stronger communities in the seven northern regions of the Northern Territory. The vision of AIG is to engage in sustainable development to enable prosperity for Aboriginal people.
What AIG does
At the core of AIG’s work sits a desire to see Aboriginal people determine their own prosperity. AIG supports communities to identify what they need to grow stronger both socially and economically and works with them to make it happen.
AIG is 100% Aboriginal-owned and funded through returns from their property portfolio and business support services. Being privately funded means they have the power to choose which projects to pursue. The Remote Laundries project is one of the most exciting ventures for AIG.
For more information on AIG and to learn more about other core business ventures and projects, visit